Tuesday, October 20, 2009

You bought it on TradeMe!!

I visited a customer the other day. They had bought a "super amazing shower" with massage jets, radio and brilliant flexible waste for easy installation. As soon as I saw it I was not sure how to tell them that what they had bought was one of China's "not so finest" exports. I had the misfortune of installing two just like it last year and the final result was not good. The amazing flexible waste does not even conform to New Zealand standards. It was only fit for the bin and that was really the only good thing about the whole shower. That customer was very disappointed with the result.
 I told the new customer that it was not worth installing and perhaps they should put it back on TradeMe, recover their money and get a decent shower for about the same price. Always speak to your plumber before you buy anything for your bathroom. It saves pain and money.
NB: * It's fine to buy things on auction sites like TradeMe, Sella, etc. They have some quality gear for good prices, but there is also a lot of rubbish that you won't find in reputable plumbing merchants for good reason. Just ask!
* China also manufactures some of the best bathroomware around, you just have to know which brand is which. Just because it's shiny doesn't mean it's silver!


Ness said...

Awesome first blog!

Ness said...

Comment part 2: I like the fact that you say check with your plumber. Also love that you have said that China makes some of the best stuff on the market, despite them buying a bad shower this time around.

Josie said...

Yes - balanced and helpful! Nice!

Marie Young said...

Welcome to the bloggersphere, Go you!

I think it's great to have a plumber like yourself engaging and advising people online. You earn trust that way and guess who they'll call when they need a plumber? You :)

Jo Hamperium said...

Great idea! Now we can have your online advice when we move into our new place in Pegasus. Or will you be opening a branche near us? ;-)

Renovator said...

Good advice. There is some great stuff that comes out of China, and some complete rubbish (just like New Zealand - although maybe we have a little less rubbish!)


Craig Garner said...

Great to see you guys in this space. Lead the way!!